Thursday, October 27, 2016

Old People HATE Halloween


Me and my sister Im the OLD one with Dark Halloween effect!

my new puppy is in the hospital, I dont know if she will be ok, she has pneumonia and possibly distemper. I hope she is ok but I am preparing for the worse. I think it will be a while before I get another dog.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Old People like clouds

Today the editor is LunaPic..I like the totally abstract way this one turned out. I took this picture between my house and my neighbors house the other night. Beautiful sunset..

Everything going well. Its been super hot here in Arizona and its TIME for it to be cool
Got to see the grands yesterday for a minute and that is always a nice thing.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Old People like puppies

 My new puppy, yes she has a Dallas jersey on! She is a Shiba Inu purebred and she is well, a puppy. 10 weeks old. Chewing on everything. Photo editor was BEFUNKY....
Speaking of myself into a funk, trying hard to get over it, but I am like 98.6% done with most of the people in my life yeah....this should be a fun day...gonna try to ignore everyone and not spread the joy...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Old People love nature

IPICCY Photo original bottom edited, ligquified and burned and color changed I like the purple clouds.
Another great day to be alive! Beautiful weather, going to spend time with the family and watch the Cardinals game and eat Carne Asada, my brother makes the best! So looking forward to my Reiki 1 class on Wed and I need to get back to the gym, have taken a few days off to work some personal shit out so I am not so blocked at the Reiki class. Emotional work is tough, so I gave my body a break.
Everyone have a great day! Do something fun! 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Old Poeple Have Grandchildren

Luna Pic, cropped and then used filter "Obamanize" so it looks like an Obama poster? Anyhow thats todays filter...for what its worth....which it was free, so there is that. My grandtwins. So cute..

Heading to gym and then the dentist today! Everyone have a great day and do something nice for someone else, it will make you feel better!!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Old People love Pumpkin Spice Lattes

 Original on top...yes taken from my car....used PIZAP to edit, the filter called TWERK and also I cropped my dashboard out! I am only using the free features in all of these programs, and some of them I like the original so much that I dont make big changes. Next one will be a big change, and maybe NOT of a sunset or sunrise, I have done a lot of those lately. I just see some beautiful ones!
Starting a new week. The husband came home from work sick so I am avoiding breathing the same air as him, I dont want to get sick!!! On a side note...Starbucks has Pumpkin Spice Lattes back for the season. My life is better because of this!!!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Some Old People live in the desert

 The top is NOT edited...the bottom IS edited....edits by one was pretty simple and I liked it alot. This is a picture I took with my phone of Roosevelt Lake in Arizona...yes we do have lakes and rivers and cactus...lots and lots of cactus. I like the edited version of this one a lot...even where I "liquified" the cactus!! Middle right....I just noticed that...
Everything going well. I got signed up for a Reiki class and I am so excited I cant stand it. Also taking the CCW class tomorrow that will be fun. They are about 8 weeks out on permits, so taking the class wont do me too much good til I have that permit.
All is Zen and peaceful and good in my world. YES!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Old People sometimes get tired

Photo Mania "Old Dream" again I keep coming back to this editor. Its fast and easy (like your mom) SNAP....however
I like the original so much I had a hard time picking something to filter it through.

 Anyhow I am finally through with my travels for the year with the exception of a weekend to San Diego for spontaneous fun perhaps and if the boy deploys, then I will make another trip to Kentucky. Barring those things, I am staying home ! YAY. I like my home, I enjoy my home. I am glad I get to be here for a while. All is well and life is good. Little rain from hurricane Newton and we are set for the day!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Old people travel

Today a photo collage of some sunrises and sunsets on my trip to Utah. I went to help my mother in law for a week and now I am happily back home. 
This was done on my android phone with the Pixler app. The photos themselves were not edited.

Happy to be home and going for a new look for my hair. Cut and color today at 430..little nervous, but its only hair! I feel the long pony tail ages me....and we cant have that!
My sisters dog died of cancer yesterday and since my doggy loss is so fresh, I am going to take her over a present today. Wont help, but she will know I am thinking about her!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Old People Have dogs

Same filter as last time, PhotoMania .. I cant get past the first click on this one because I love everything ! But it has a lot to explore and I will do better at looking further, BUT since today is National Dog is my dog Roxy.
I was standing above her and she was upside down...silly dog.

Things are going ok. Better than ok I suppose. I have a lot to be grateful for. I will be heading to Utah to take care of my mother in law on Sunday. Will be there a couple of weeks. Am taking my sketch book. I decided at 52 that maybe I would see if I was any good at drawing. So I watch videos and try to copy them. I can follow directions. I drew this: my very first eye. LOL
Well I hope everyone has a blessed and safe weekend! May you be happy, may you be safe, may you be healthy, may you be at peace! 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Old People contemplate life....

Photo Mania is todays filter. I liked the choices , however I am in a bit of a rush today and did not fully explore this filter. I bookmarked it so I can come back, some fun filters that I havent seen in other programs, so I want to get a better look.

The boy is off to Tennessee to help his brother. The guest found a place and is gone (here 2 weeks, was supposed to be a couple days, but hey sometimes you gotta help people)
The husband should be home from his hunt today.
I am feeling better, trying to be more positive. Trying to be more upbeat. Figuring out where people belong in my life so I dont expect them to be one thing when they are another. Today is usually my rest day at the gym, I skipped yesterday and I may go ahead and skip today. Never end the week on leg day!!!
I am really REALLY thinking hard about getting another dog. I want a small one that doesnt shed too much, I still have one dog who has never been the ONLY dog before and I feel like she is lonely. I am THINKING about it, because I dont know how life would be with NO PETS. I mean eventually this dog will die too. Its so heartbreaking when that happens, I dont want to get another puppy and then do this again. Plus pets really do tie you down as far as traveling and stuff, of course, it hasnt stopped me at all....anyhow decisions will be made.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Old People do what they want...

Todays filter is PixlrExpress from my android phone...
A praying mantis I saw on my porch. Its only about 1/2 long and bright green! It made my still grieving heart happy for a second. 

 Still havent left the house, I am just finding NO REASON to go do anything its pointless. I know I am in a funk and will be better soon. I know skipping the gym since Friday is NOT helping. I will go to the gym tomorrow. I just needed one more day. 
Problems have been solved, plans have been made. Bills paid and I scrubbed the shit out of my oven and microwave, so I guess my staying home hasnt really HURT anything....

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Old People get sad

Todays filter is CITRIFY...just the pencil sketch effect. My little dog died yesterday and I am like seriously upset. So this is dedicated to my little Duchess who was there right by me through many many of lifes storms. She was a good dog and I miss her.

Thats all I got today. I am sad.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Old People take spin classes, at least once...

This is a picture I took on my way to Utah a few months ago. I used Aviary to filter and put the quote on the picture. In hindsight I wish I had used black color on the lettering..but I felt the picture was already dark enough. Anyhow....

SOOOO I am going to try my very first EVER spin class today. I met someone at the gym last week who talked me into trying it so I am excited and kinda nervous about it.
I feel like it will kill me, or I will fall in love with it. Either way, it will be a good leg day workout. 
Then driving to Phx to take care of some business and my little dog is going to die any day now, it makes me sad she has been such a really great companion to my kids and to me since 2000, so sad...

ok, I better start stretching!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Old People Stay busy

Used Pixlr for the collage and all the effects...except that lipstick in the middle picture...thats all #Ulta!!

As my grandson said....SOOOO MANY SELFIES.......

Had a great lunch with my friend at Postinos today and a Sprinkles cupcake which will cost me extra treadmill time tomorrow but sooo worth it!
Got all my cleaning done and now going to sit on the couch and finish watching #Stangerthings...

yep!!! LIFE~~

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Old People like new things... is this filter, I will spend some time on this site, its easy, much of it is pre-done, you dont really "edit" the photo as much as you just put it INTO one of their pre-done templates, but there are HUNDREDS to choose from and I liked it, it was different. This one is called Billboards and I chose it in honor of my sons new job, at Chipotle.

Did some sewing yesterday, it is rest day at the gym, the back of my knee is hurting so I have to get better at the stretching part, I think my hams are tight...(THATS WHAT SHE SAID)....
Anyhow the Vet is having a Vet day (this happens sometimes, I just let him be) and the husband is working and all is calm and quiet and HOT HOT HOT in this side of the world.....
Happy birthday to my baby brother (I think he is like 35 or 36 now) and yeah, thats what I got today!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Old People use Snapchat too

SnapChat filters for today....Im in love with my Pirate Person...I actually look like my husband. I guess 31 years of marriage will do that to you...

Everyone have a great weekend, be careful in the heat, watch your kids around water and do SOMETHING that makes you feel good, Physically , Mentally and Spiritually...

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Old People LOVE Sarcasm

This filter is on Ribbet which I really love! I had to go 4 google pages to get to it, but I really like it, Easy to use and has some cool stuff. I helped with my nieces wedding last weekend and this was a photo of the wedding flowers. I like how it turned out, you cant see the rest of the mess!!!

Hanging in there today, I have not been feeling it too much lately, I feel like I have busted hump to help people this year, and maybe I am just totally burned out and ready to stay home and just chill for a while. WHICH is awesome since I have NO PLANS for a while, until school starts then I plan to volunteer at my sisters school like I did last year. Maybe I will do 2 days a week this year instead of one. I dont know, we will have to see what she needs. Anyhow, monsoony windy cloudy hot day today in Arizona. YAY....

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Old People Get Busy Too (ewww not THAT kind of busy)

Another BEFUNKY edited photo. I was in San Diego for a few days for my nieces wedding, the picture is my sister and my niece, the photographer in the original got cropped out when I edited it! This one I did some color adjustments and had a little fun with several different things. 

Anyhow, I am glad to be home this is my last PLANNED trip for the year, but as we know, shit happens and sometimes you just dont make PLANS cuz you dont know what will happen!!!
I am glad to get back to my schedule and back to the gym and back to life without planning the next thing for a while! YAY....

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Old people still make mistakes

Fotostars, Cropped, Red, TV frame, Brightness LOW, contrast HIGH love how this one turned out, Monsoon clouds today!
 Looks totally different than the original!

 Sometimes I wish I could look totally different from the original! Had a tough day today, I didnt lose my Zen really, but it was super challenged and I learned 2 things......I am not as ZEN as I thought I was, I have learned enough about myself to get my emotions under control rather quickly and for this I am grateful. I also drank a #chocolatemilkshake because when your an #emotionaleater thats what makes you feel better. Extra #gymtime tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Old People love grandkids

Free online photo editor....Cartoon effect

Heading to the gym early today because I am going to have my grands. Havent SEEN them since Christmas, so I am excited to spend a couple days with them. 
Going to SD this weekend for a wedding. Ugh..I hate when you get up at 5am and your running late because you #BLOG before you #workout....

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Old People have friends too

Todays filter is LunaPic...color pencil drawing with glass button border. A park in my neighborhood. Before and after which I decided I should start doing....

 I cut 5 min off my 5k time this week, lost only 2 pounds but its a loss I will take it. Having lunch with a friend then finishing my sewing project which is an apron for my daughter.
#sewing #mom
also this:

Friday, July 15, 2016

Old People Run like the WIND....

Bokeh 4 Be Funky is todays filter. My last trip to Nashville and the humidity was WICKED on my hair!

 Im torn about all the stuff happening in the world. Here in the U.S. and worldwide, I think that much of it is done for media exposure and for "the camera" what would happen if the cameras went away? Would there still be so much violence if it wasnt going to make anyone famous? Just wondering.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Old People Care A Lot

Fotostars Editor  Red effect with focus and a frame. This is a Brakelight Yucca in my front yard. I live in Arizona, so its a desert plant. This photo editor was easy, but very basic and not anything fancy to choose from. But thats what you get for FREE!!!


 I wonder, if anyone has ever shed tears because of something that has happened to ME, like they know my heartache and it hurt their heart? I do this with my kids. My daughter is going through a really hard time right now and I find myself weeping for her. She is 1500 miles away and I cant do much to help or support her from here, except extend loving kindness to her and send positive energy which I have been doing. I wonder if anyone elses heart breaks for someone else? Maybe I am just really weird..that is possible.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Old People gotta deal with shit....

Free online photo editor is what this is called. There is not really any FILTERING here, just a crop and a frame. Hey I am 52 years old, I have wrinkles.....thats my real eye color, actually they look kinda light blue when they are really not that light...

good gym today, trip to phoenix done and I am REALLY hoping tonight is the night I get my new sewing machine out!!!

The boy got a new truck. NICE...well new to him. The other boy needs a JOB!!  okay! Off to clean and cook for the masses....or is that ASSES (that live here) SNAP~

Old People support our troops!

Canva is the editing tool, did just a filter on this one, I didnt like it, it was small and didnt have a lot of choices. Thats what I get for going to page 2 of Google!   ME on my 50th birthday.

OK well Wednesday is usually my rest day at the gym, HOWEVER yesterday I got totally chip faced and ate a whole container of #BenandJerrys #Everythingbutthe so now I gotta go burn some damn calories. Then I've got to drive to Phoenix. OK its like a 20 minute drive but its all trafficy and stuff.

And this: 
#Armymom #soldiers #supportourtroops